The society of Earth can be broken down into three distinct groups. The first group are the so-called factions: The Academy, The Traders, The Church and The Mercenaries. They cooperate with the Star Gods directly and are given exclusive right to travel freely around the globe. The second group are local, or provincial, governments, the people who pay us the protection money. They're not very happy with their limited power, and the existence of pirates like us is beneficial to them, as it undermines the dominance of the global factions. But if we attack their ships and officers directly, it won't be popular. On the other hand, getting our hands on their stuff has its obvious, immediate benefits. The third group are the poor masses, on whom the Mutant Alliance is based - an influential force within the local governments, a 'civil' face of the opposition towards the rule of the Star Gods, and also our allies of convenience... as long as we're convenient to them. Finally the Star Gods themselves sometimes do make an appearance on our planet. The wise avoid them at any cost. Good thing we aren't wise, Cap'n!